SE601P Quiz 1 Fall 2024
How can Testing Tools help teams ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations?
Answer: By offering code analysis and static testing capabilities
What is one benefit of using Software Documentation Tools?
Answer: Streamlined project management
Which of the following is a feature commonly found in Software Documentation Tools?
Answer: Version control
How do Software Documentation Tools improve communication within development teams?
Answer: By providing real-time collaboration features
Which aspect of software testing can be automated using Testing Tools?
Answer: Performance testing
Which IDE is known for its extensive plugin ecosystem and support for multiple programming languages?
Answer: Eclipse -
What is one benefit of using Software Documentation Tools?
Answer: Streamlined project management -
Which aspect of software testing can be automated using Testing Tools?
Answer: Performance testing -
Which of the following is a feature commonly found in Software Documentation Tools?
Answer: Version control -
What is the most common type of exception in Java?
Answer: NullPointerException -
How do Software Documentation Tools improve communication within development teams?
Answer: By providing real-time collaboration features -
What is one benefit of using Testing Tools in software development?
Answer: Improved collaboration between developers and testers -
How can Testing Tools help teams ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations?
Answer: By generating comprehensive test reports -
Which IDE is often used for web development and supports languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
Answer: Visual Studio Code -
What is the correct behavior of a finally block in exception handling?
Answer: It is always executed, even if an exception is thrown.